Monday, November 19, 2007


Lex as a Stand-Alone tool
Although Lex is often used as a front-end to a parser, it has been designed such that it can be used stand-alone. Used in this fashion, Lex makes for a simple but very powerful text processing tool.
In the following discussion, we will be considering lex mostly in this role, without calling upon it's usual partner, yacc.
Lex Program Structure
A lex program has the following basic structure: %{
C declarations and includes
Lex macro definitions and directives
Lex Specification
in the form of pattern/action statements like this:
keyword { my_c_code(yytext); }
C language program (the rest)
However, the only mandatory part is the first %%
The most important part of the Lex program is the Lex Specification. This is a series of statements of the form: pattern action
or to put it more practically: regular_expression { C-program statements }
The simplest Lex program you can write would read the standard input, write to the standard output, and look something like this: %%
http:\/\/[^ \n<>"]* printf("%s\n",yytext);
.\n ;
Which is a program which reads the standard input, extracts any hyper-text references, and writes then to the standard output.
To compile it, save it as rip-url.l and run the command: make LDLIBS=-ll rip-url
And it's all done. Finished. You've just created an executable called rip-url. You can take the rest of the afternoon off.
That was too easy. So what did we really do?
The Lex Specification
Lex Patterns
Lex Patterns are (more or less) standard Unix regular expressions, after the style of grep, sed, awk, perl etc. See the lex (or flex) man page for all the gory details, but here's a quick summary:
Most characters are taken litterally, just like the "http" in our example. This includes all letter, digits, and _, plus several others They are, in effect, taken to be single character regular expressions
A single character regular expression consisting of any one of the characters in between the square backets [ ]
A range of characters may be specified by using a hyphen, like this [A-Za-z] To include the hyphen put it first or last in the group, like this [-A-Za-z] To include a ], put it first in the group, like this []abc-]
If the first character is ^, it means any character except those listed.
So the second part of our example [^ \n<>"] means "anything but a space, newline, quote, less-than or greater-than" .
Any character following the \ loses it's special meaning, and is taken litterally. So the \/\/ in our example really means //
The \ is also used to specify the following special characters
The alert (ie bell) character
Form Feed
New Line
Carridge return
Vertical Tab
Null character
octal representation of a character
hexadecimal representation of a character
Caveat: Some of the above may be flex enhancements.
Characters between the quotes "" lose their special meanings, and are intpreted litterally. So we could have written the first part of our pattern as "http://" instead of http:\/\/
^ and $
The ^ and $ characters constrain the regular expression to the start or end of the line, respectivelty.
+ and *
The + and * imply repetition of the preceding single character regular expression.
+ means "one or more occurances of". * means "zero or more occurances of".
The range expression {n1,n2} also implies repetition of the preceding regular expression.
{3,5} means "3 to 5 occurances of". {2,} means "2 or more occurances of". {3} means "exactly 3 occurances of".
The ? implies that the preceding single character regular expression is optional. In effect, it means "zero or one occurances of".
( and )
The round backets imply grouping, such that the regular expression between the brackets is treated as if it was a single character (or nearly enough). See the discussion of precedence in the flex man-page for more information.
Any single character except a newline (\n)

The is used to specify a "logical OR" of two regular expressions. The exact text which is OR'd is governed by the precedence rules, so it's best to use brackets, like this: (ftphttptelnet):\/\/[^ \n<>"]*
The is / is used to specify a "trailing context". For example, the expression: C/-Program
Matches the letter "C" iff it is followed by the text "-Program" Note that only the letter C is matched, and copied to yytext. The "-Program" is not consumed by the rule, and will match subsequent regular expressions, too.
However, for the purposes of deciding the "longest match", the whole text "C-Program" is considered.
Putting $ at the end of a regex is the same as putting /\n
Let's examine the 1st pattern in detail: http:\/\/[^ \n<>"]*

is taken litterally

means two slashes //

[^ \n<>"]
is a character-set, which specifies the space, newline,quote or angle brackets. However, since the 1st character is a caret ^, these characters are excluded from the set, and everything else is included.

means zero or more instances of the character-set in the preceding [...]

means everything else, one character at a time. Since our action consists only of an empty statement ( ; ) the text is just discarded.
So our regular expression means:
any string starting with "http://" and which doesn't contain a space or \n<>"
It is worth mentioning that, our reg-ex would not match HTTP://...It is case-sensitive, unless we tell flex to build a case-insensitive lexer using the "-i" option.
The 2nd pattern-action statement is essential, because lex has a default action for any text which did not match any rule in the specification. The default action is to print it on the standard output.
This can be useful occasionally, if you just want to do a small modification on the input stream, such as stripping out html tags, and replacing text eg: %%
\<[^>]*\> ;
> putchar('>');
< putchar('<');
putchar(' ');
& putchar('&');
The above lex-specification will discard any text between angle-brackets (even multi-line text), and print the rest to the standard output. It is a working lex program, and you can compile it by saving it as strip-html.l and compiling it with: make LDLIBS=-ll strip-html
The text matched by the first rule has an action statement which is simply ';' ie an empty statement. This means that the text is read, but nothing else is done. The matched text is just 'swallowed' by the lexer.
The remainder of the text is copied to the output because it does not match any rule, and the default action takes over.
The above example might be a useful as a front-end to a program which indexes web-pages.
Lex Actions
Lex Actions are typically just C-program statements. An action may be a single C-statement (as in our example), or multiple statements enclosed in curly braces { ... }
An action within curly braces { ... } can span multiple lines. No special continuation character is required, but each extra line should be indented by at least one tab from the start of the line, like this: http:\/\/[^ \n<>"]* {
.\n ;
There are some other "special" actions which lex also understands. These can be invoked stand-alone, or from within the C-statements in curly braces { ... }.
print the matched text on the standard output
Do not consume the matched text. Re-interpret the input and use the "second best" match instead (see also the section Precedence of Lex Patterns). This is a lot more complicated than it sounds! Use with caution.
BEGIN state;
Set Lex into the named state (also know as a "start condition"). Start conditions must be declared in the section Lex macro definitions and directives
Any pattern may be preceded with a start-condition of the form
-- or --

The pattern is only applied when the appropriate state has been entered. States may be exclusive or inclusive.
An exclusive start-condition is where no other patterns are applied, except those with the appropriate start-condition. An inclusive start-condition is where the rule is applied together will any other rules which are not constrained by start-conditions.
Exclusive states are a feature of flex.
Start conditions are a powerful but easy to use feature of lex. See the man page for more information.
Scan for the next pattern as usual, but prepend the text from this rule on the the yytext variable of the next rule.
Retain the first n characters from this pattern, but return the rest to the input stream, such that they will be used in the next pattern-matching operation.
Lex also provides a number of variables which we can use within actions.
(char *) yytext
This is a copy of the text which matched the current pattern, as a null-terminated string.
(int) yyleng
This is the length of yytext
Please read the man page on flex for other, more exotic ways of using actions, and their subtleties.
Precedence of Lex Patterns
In most situations where we use regular expressions, there is only one regular expression active at a time.
In the case of a lex specificatoin, there are multiple regular expressions, all active at the same time. This leads to the situation where a particular piece of text may be legitimately interpreted by more than one lex pattern.
In order to resolve such ambiguities, lex uses the following rules of precedence:
The longest possible match is chosen first (remember that any trailing context is considered part of the matched-length).
If two patterns match the same length of text, the first pattern in the specification is used.
Please see the flex man page for further discussion of precedence, and discussions of the precedence of elements within a lex pattern.
The "longest match" rule
As was mentioned in above in Precedence of Lex Patterns, lex patterns are to be considered "in parallel", and the longest match is the one which is eventaully chosen and it's action executed.
This point is worth stressing, as it is the most common cause of "unexpected behaviour" from a lex-generated program.
In particular, a rule like .* { ... }
is usually a bad one to use, because .* would match an entire line of text, excluding only the trailing \n, for EVERY line in the input.
The net effect of this is that any other rules would not get a look-in. In those instances where .* is appropriate, it is best to precede it with a start-condition.
Interaction between Lex and C
Lex is a State-Machine Generator
So far, we've discussed lex as if it interprets the regular expressions in our lex-specification at run-time, as sed or awk would do. However, this is not exactly true.
Lex is in reality a C-code generator, more like a compiler than an interpreter. Our Lex Specification is "compiled" into C-code.
The C-code Lex generates is in the form of a state-machine, which processed input character-by-character. Although this makes debugging tricky, is does have one important advantage: Pure, unadulterated, speed.
Consider the case where you are trying to build a Web-Browser. If you did it the "traditional" way, using (for example) scanf() and strcmp(), you would get something like this: while( (c=getchar()) != EOF ) {
if ( c != '<' ) {
... write char to screen ...
} else {
char tag[20];
if ( strcmp(tag,"HEAD") == 0 ) {
state = HEADER;
} else if ( strcmp(tag,"H1") == 0 ) {
... change font to h1 ...
} else if ( strcmp(tag,"H2") == 0 ) {
... change font to h2 ...
} else if ( strcmp(tag,"H3") == 0 ) {
... change font to h3 ...
} else if ( strcmp( ...etc
So what's wrong with it? Readability for a start, but that's not our main concern.
Consider the code that is executed when the markup word

is encountered.
First, the statement: if ( c != '<' ) detects that this is the start of a markup word.
Now we scan the first part of the word in using scanf() So far, so good.
Now we compare the string to the text "HEAD". The compare fails, but not until strcmp() has compared the 2nd character of the 2 strings
We do the same again, using "H1". Again, we have to get to the second character of the strings to determine that our match has failed
Eventually, we will get to the "H3" compare, but not before we have compared 'H'=='H' three times, and discarded the subsequent result.
Given that there are dozens of possible markup words, we could be calling strcmp() dozens of times. Worse than than, strcmp() may have to get several characters into the compare before returning a negative result.
So it would be better if, instead, we did it like this: char tag[20];
if ( tag[0] == 'H' ) {
if( tag[1] == 'E' ) {
if (strcmp(tag,"HEAD") == 0 )
state = HEADER;
} else if ( tag[1] == '1' && tag[2] == '\0' ) {
... change font to h1 ...
} else if ( tag[1] == '2' && tag[2] == '\0' ) {
... change font to h2 ...
} else if ( tag[1] == '3' && tag[2] == '\0' ) {
... change font to h3 ...
Now, we only do the comparision 'H'=='H' once, and go straight onto the second character. We have, without even realising it created a state-machine. When we scan the character 'H', we go to a new 'state'. Each level of nested-if statements creates two, additional, sub-states of the higher state.
But why settle for nested-if statements? We can create a top-level case-statement, with a case for each character A-Z, and have nested-case statements for processing the 2nd char...etc.
So we now have a high-performance scanner, but we've had to sacrifice what little readability of our original source-code still had.
Lex is designed to generate a suitable state-machine based text analyser, while maintaining readability at the source-level.
So we can have our cake, and eat it, too.
Lex generates yylex()
So far, we have been using lex in a "stand-alone" mode, and linking in the (hitherto mysterious) libl library using LDLIBS=-ll
In fact, lex does not generate a complete program. Lex generates a single function, (int) yylex() and some associated global variables.
yylex() reads the input indicated by the global variable (FILE*) yyin. yyin defaults to the standard input.
When lex reaches the end of the file it is reading, it calls a function (int) yywrap() If yywrap() returns non-zero, yylex() returns a zero value. If yywrap() returns zero, yylex() keeps scanning, from where it left off, with whatever input is available on yyin. This is only useful if yywrap() has changed yyin to provide for additional input.
The library libl (or libfl for flex) provides two functions which are needed to complete our stand-alone lex program:
main() ...which simply calls yylex()
yywrap() ...which always returns non-zero.
Let's rewrite rip-url such that we do not need the standard libl, and add a few more features along the way. %{
int file_num;
int file_num_max;
char **files;
extern int errno;
(ftphttp):\/\/[^ \n<>"]* printf("%s\n",yytext);
.\n ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
file_num_max = argc;
files = argv;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
if ( (yyin = fopen(argv[file_num],"r")) == 0 ) {
while( yylex() )
return 0;
int yywrap() {
if ( ++file_num < file_num_max ) {
if ( (yyin = fopen(files[file_num],"r")) == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
We now have
a function main() which opens the first file (if specified) and calls yylex()
When yylex() finished with the first file, it calls yywrap(), which opens the next file, and yylex() continues.
When yywrap() has exhausted all the command line arguments, it returns 1, and yylex() returns with value 0 (but we don't use the return value).
Moreover, since we have now provided both main() and yywrap(), we no longer need the libl library, and we can compile rip-url using simply: make rip-url
Notice that the libl library (lex library) is required only if we do not provide main() or yywrap(). The libl library is not required for any of the text-processing - this is all done by the lex-generated C-code.
yylex() and return()
Although none of our examples have so far done so, it is valid to execute a return() statement within a lex rule.
yylex() is of type int, so a non-zero integer value would normally be returned. Returning zero would be ambiguous, because the zero value is what is returned by yylex() when it encounters and end-of-file, and yywrap() returns a non-zero.
After yylex() has returned, it is possible to call it again and again, and the scanner will continue exactly where it left off each time. If any start-condition was in force when the return() was executed, it will still apply when yylex() is called again.
This aspect of yylex() plays a key role when lex is being used as a front-end to a parser, such as yacc.
When writing a stand-alone lex program, it is generally not required to have a return() statement within a lex rule.
Examples of Lex programs
A Lex squid redirector
If you are using the Squid http proxy (and who doesn't?) you should be aware that it supports redirectors.
A squid redirector is a pipe, which is invoked by squid, fed a line of text at a time, like this: url ip-address/fqdn ident method
is the requested URL
is the IP-address of the host where the URL request came from
fully qualified domain-name of the host where the request came from, if available, otherwise '-'
Is the result of the ident_lookup, if enabled in the config file, otherwise '-'
is GET, PUT, POST etc.
The redirector program writes either a blank line, or a new URL. In the later case, the new URL is fetched in lieu of the original (hence "redirector"). The most obvious application is for virtual-hosting, where a single squid proxy is made to look like serveral different servers.
Squid redirectors are typically implemented using regular expressions of some kind. The most obvious tools for implementing redirectors would be programs like sed, awk or perl.
All of these are really over-kill, in that they use a complex program to solve a simple problem. As such, they use more memory and CPU capacity than is strictly necessary.
If you have a busy squid proxy, you would probably want to use a special C-program to act as your redirector, such as squirm (see
Lex is designed with performance being a major goal. That makes lex an ideal candidate for implementing a squid-redirector for a performance-critical application.
The proof of whether or not lex is actually faster than it's alternatives is "left as an exercise to the reader" :-)
A lex-based squid redirector would look something like this: %x SKIP
%option always-interactive
"" {
yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0';
"http://"(www.)?"" {
"" {
"http://weather/" {
"http://bypass." { printf("http://"); BEGIN COPY; }
"ftp://bypass." { printf("ftp://"); BEGIN COPY; }
[^ \n] ECHO;
. ;
<*>\n { putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); BEGIN 0; }
To build the above redirector, save it to a file such as squid-redirector.l and build it using: make LDLIBS=-ll squid-redirector
Note that it is vital that the redirector process does not buffer it's input or output by more than a single line at a time, otherwise squid will 'hang'. The line %option always-interactive takes care of the input, while the statement fflush(stdout); takes care of the output.
Some key features of the above program:
In the first action, we actually modify yytext before writing it out. We are free to modify yytext as we would any string variable (with all the usual perils) provided that we do not use yyless() afterwards. Refer to the flex man page for more information. Note in particular the lex-directives %array and %pointer in the documentation, and how they impact yyless()
The directive %option always-interactive is essential in this case. Without it, flex will try to read an extra character ahead, even after the newline. In the absence of any character to read, this will result in the program going into a blocked state (waiting for input), before it writes out the result of the current line. This will cause squid to hang. The %option always-interactive tells flex to do the minimal look-ahead only. In this case, the rule which contains the newline is unambiguous, and there is no need for look-ahead. Hence this option prevents unwanted buffering on the input.
After writing the output, we must use fflush() to defeat unwanted buffering on the output. Otherwise, the output will just sit around in a buffer instead of being sent straight to the squid process. Again, this would cause squid to hang.
The (exclusive) start-condition SKIP is used to discard input. This happens when either
the initial text does not match any of the explicit rules ("http://...").
after the first space in a URL which is being modified
If none of our explicit rules (ie "http://...") match, we use the single-dot rule to put us straight into the state SKIP. We are relying on the "longest match" mechanisim to ensure that the explicit rules are given preference over the default rule. In this case, we want to write a blank line instead of a modified URL.
If one of our explicit rules (ie "http://...") match, then we write the first part of the URL using printf(), and immediately invoke the (exclusive) start-condition COPY. From here on, the rest of the modified URL is copied from the input to the output (up to the first space). The lex macro ECHO is used as a matter of convinience, putchar() would be just as good.
We could use a non-exclusive start-condition for SKIP, but then we would have to change the rule to: .* ; to ensure that the SKIP rule takes precedence over the other rules, by virtue of being the "longest match" rule. It would have to appear before the other rules too, just to be safe.
The same applies for COPY.
The statement BEGIN 0; is used at every newline to reset the start-condition to it's "normal" state (ie when no start-condition applies).
The start-condition <*> means that the rule \n applies for all start-conditions, even the exclusive ones SKIP and COPY.
The redirector creates a synonym "weather" for the site
We have provided a feature whereby we can effectively bypass our redirector by using, eg to refer to
In order to realise the benefits of the lex state-based analysis, it is important to avoid things like yyless(), REJECT and any construct which may result in the lexer doing "backup". You should read carefully the section "Performance Considerations" in the flex man-page.
Using yylex() within a parser
Lex is actually designed to be used as a front-end for a parser. Let's look at how a typical parser would use lex.
One statement which we have not considered so far in our lex actions is the return statement. In the simple examples we have considered so far, putting a return into an action would result in a premature end to the file processing. However, this need not be the case. After yylex() returns, we can simply call it again, and processing will continue exactly where it left off.
This feature of yylex() is what makes it suitable as a front-end to a parser.
Lets consider a simple parser, using just C-code. Our example will be a program which reads an e-mail message, analyses the headers, and tells us if it is likey to be spam, or not.
Let's use a 100-point check, based on the following criteria:
Precedence: if it's "bulk", we'll give it 10 points, if it's "junk" that's worth at least 20 points
From: To: Cc: This is the biggest clue. If the To: address is the same as the From: address, let's add 30 points (if either To: or From: is missing, we'll ad the 30 points anyway).
If our user-name is in neither the To nor CC fields, then let's add another 30 points.
Another clue is if there are lot of recipients. Lets add 10 points if there are more than 20 recipients. (Any message sent to more than 10 people probably isn't worth reading, anyway).
Lastly, let's consider the message size. Most people write reasonably short messages, typically less than 5k. Spam is often 10k or more. We'll add 10 points for any message %gt; 5k in size
Let's do the lexer first. In this case it's fairly simple. It looks for the header fields From From: To: Cc: Precedence: and returns a specific code for each of these. Any other header-field is returned as "OTHER".
Our lexer is also made to find the e-mail addresses for us, and return them.
Any other text is returned word-by-word.
The message body is counted by the lexer, but nothing is returned to the parser. %{
typedef enum { START_OF_HEADER=256, FROM=257, TO=258, CC=259,
} token_t;
token_t token,hdr_field;
char *token_txt;
void is_it_spam(int points, int msgn);
int get_email_address(char **user, char **host);
void hdr_to();
void hdr_cc();
void hdr_from();
int precedence();
char *my_name;
int my_name_len;
int to_me;
char *to_addr1;
char *from_addr;
int body;
^From return START_OF_HEADER;
^From: return FROM;
^To: return TO;
^Cc: return CC;
^Precedence: return PRECEDENCE;
^[A-Za-z0-9-]+: return OTHER;
[A-Za-z_0-9\.]+ {
token_txt = strdup(yytext);
return NAME;
[A-Za-z_0-9\.]+@[A-Za-z_0-9\.]+ {
token_txt = strdup(yytext);
return EMAIL;
^\n { /* empty line */
.\n /* Ignore what we don't understand */ ;
.\n body++;
\nFrom { BEGIN 0; yyless(0); /* yyless() breaks the "^" mechanism */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int points=0,msgn=0;
int receivers;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
if ( (yyin = fopen(argv[1],"r")) == 0 ) {
my_name = getlogin();
my_name_len = strlen(my_name);
while ( (token = yylex()) ) {
switch(token) {
if(msgn) is_it_spam(points,msgn);
case FROM:
case TO:
case CC:
if(to_addr1 == 0 )
else if(from_addr == 0)
else if( strcasecmp(to_addr1,from_addr)==0 )
case NAME:
switch(hdr_field) {
case EMAIL:
switch(hdr_field) {
case TO:
case CC:
case FROM:
case OTHER:

if(msgn) is_it_spam(points,msgn);
return points;
int yywrap() {
int precedence() {
return 30;
return 10;
return 0;
hdr_to(token_t hdr_field) {
if(strncasecmp(token_txt,my_name,my_name_len)==0) {
token_txt[my_name_len]=='@' ) {
if ( to_addr1 == 0 && hdr_field==TO)
to_addr1 = token_txt;
hdr_from() {
from_addr = token_txt;
void is_it_spam(int points, int msgn) {
if ( points >= 80 )
printf("Message %4d scored %2d, almost certainly spam\n",msgn,points);
else if ( points >= 50 )
printf("Message %4d scored %2d, probably spam\n",msgn,points);
else if ( points >= 30 )
printf("Message %4d scored %2d, possibly spam\n",msgn,points);
printf("Message %4d scored %2d, appears legitimate\n",msgn,points);
Since mail-headers and e-mail addresses are supposed to be case-insensitive, you should compile the above program using the case-insensitive option of flex: make LFLAGS=-i is_spam.l
The parser is implemented in C-code. The main feature of the parser is the loop: while ( (token = yylex()) ) {
switch(token) {
The parser calls yylex() repeatedly, processing each token in turn, tkaing whatever action is appropriate to that token. When lex reaches the end-of-file, yylex() returns 0, and the parser exits it's while() loop
Where addition information must be transferred between the lexer and the parser, this is done using global variables. For example, when the lexer encounters an e-mail address, it returns the token EMAIL, but it also places the actual text into the variable token_txt, where the parser can find it.
We will be using the above mechanisms later, when we start to employ Yacc.
Lex is designed to interwork with Yacc. However, as the above example tries to show, if we think Yacc may not be suitable to our needs, we are free to use whatever parser suits our needs.
By the way, the above program does a pretty poor job of detecting spam reliably. However, it does illustrate a few key points of a typical parser.
Lex and make
You may have noticed that we have been building our lex-programs using make, but without having to write a makefile.
This is because lex is on of the programs for which make has an "implicit rule". The default make rule for a file ending in ther extension ".l" is to invoke make on that file, and generate a ".c" file for that file. From there on, the better known implicit rules for compiling C programs take over.
The default rule for lex is: .l.c:
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) -t $< > $@
Which usually resolves to something like: lex -t file.l > file.c
Note 1
Lex pattern-action statements should be separated by one or more TAB characters. Flex is not fussy, and will accept spaces, but some versions of lex need to see tabs as separators.
Similarly, actions which run over more than one line should be indented by at least one tab.
Also avoid putting blank lines within the lex specification. Although flex does not have a problem with this, some versions of lex do.


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